CHAC aims to provide high quality services that meet our service users’ and stakeholder’s needs. We believe we achieve this most of the time. We recognise however, that there are times when our work or services may not meet people’s needs or expectations, and that occasionally things do go wrong.
When this happens it is important that we know about it so that we can deal with any problem quickly and effectively. It also helps us to continue to improve the quality of services that we offer.
If you have a complaint or would like to raise any issues informally, please contact us. All complaints are treated confidentially.
As a first step, please contact your caseworker who will try to resolve the problem straight away.
If you are unhappy with an individual in CHAC sometimes it is best to tell them directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate then speak to another staff member.
If you are not happy with the response, do not feel comfortable approaching a member of staff directly, or you feel that the matter is a more serious issue, you may wish to make a formal complaint either by telephone or in writing.
Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within 3 days. Where possible, the investigation will be completed with 20/30 days.
If you are unhappy with the response you receive, you have the right to appeal.
To make a complaint please get in touch:
- Email:
- Call: 01242 226672
- Write to:
The Management Team,
Cheltenham Housing Aid Centre,
Room B25, Municipal Office,
The Promenade,
GL50 9SA
We also welcome all general feedback about CHAC, whether comments or suggestions.
Finally, please also let us know if you are happy with our services.